How To Set Up A Wireless Router Without A Computer

How To Set Up A Wireless Router Without A Computer

Can you set up a wireless router without a computer?

In this day and age, it is very seldom to find someone without a computer, even though times are changing as people start to become more comfortable with using only smart phones and tablets to get themselves online. 

However, if you are one of the rare breed of people, or maybe your desktop/laptop conked out or for whatever reason that you find yourself without a computer and a router to set up, it is still quite possible.

Of course, having a computer is still much better for setting up a wireless router, since mobile devices—while partly able to fulfill the functions of a computer—still have limited capabilities compared to a laptop/desktop.

PCI-E Wi-Fi Cards for Desktops

And come to think of it, if you don’t own a computer, it might be more convenient—and not to mention more practical—to just apply for a 3G/4G plan.

Want to know how to get free wifi? 

In any case, if you find yourself without a laptop/computer and you are wondering: “Can I set up a wireless router without a computer?”

The answer is yes!

For This Tutorial You Will Need:

1. A smartphone or a tablet running under Android or iOS

2. A fully charged battery (or just make sure your device doesn’t die on your mid-process)

The following is optional, but very handy to have if the default logging in process doesn’t go smoothly...

3. FING, EZ NetScan or any other wireless network discovery app installed in your smart device. FING & EZ NetScan are free and is available for both Android and iOS

4. A pen, needle or anything with a pointed tip. - this is for any potential router reset!

All right, now let’s get cracking!

How to set up a Wi-Fi router without a computer

Setting Up With Android:

1) Plug in your router, and wait a minute or two for it to completely power up.

2) Using your smartphone/tablet, turn on your Wi-Fi and connect to your router’s network. The SSID or network name will usually involve the brand name and numbers (for example, “NETGEARXX”). Or take a look at the back of the router—the SSID will be printed there, along with the Wi-Fi password.

3) You will be prompted to provide a password. Type it in.

4) When connected, open your device’s browser. In the address bar, key in the IP address. Usually, the default IP address is “” or “”. Or just refer to the sticker printed on the back of the router—you will usually find the IP address there. If it doesn’t work, run the network discovery app installed in your device.

This article on finding your router's IP may also help.

If you’re using FING, you’ll find the IP address listed under the SSID of the network that you’re connected to, beside the Wi-Fi symbol.

FING is available for free on Android & iOS - download FING here

5) You will be prompted to log in. Default username is usually “admin” and default password is usually “password”. If not, take a look at the back of the router, as the log in details are provided as well.

6) Voila, you’re in!

Netgear Default IP Address


Setting Up With iOS:

1) Plug in your router, and wait a minute or two for it to completely power up

2) Using your iPhone/iPad, turn on your Wi-Fi under the Settings menu. Your router’s SSID or network name will usually involve the brand name and numbers. Or take a look at the back of the router—the SSID will be printed there, along with the Wi-Fi password. Tap the SSID to connect.

3) You will be prompted to provide a password.

4) When connected, open your device’s browser. In the address bar, key in the IP address. Default IP address is usually “” or “”. Or refer to the sticker printed on the back of the router.

If it doesn’t work, just like as we described for setting up with Android above, download and install FING, you’ll find the IP address listed under the SSID of the network. You could also try Netty as an alternative. Netty is also free.

5) You will be prompted to log in. Default username is usually “admin” and default password is usually “password”. If not, take a look at the back of the router, as the log in details are provided as well.

And hopefully - you are in!

If these default credentials do not work, you might want to try resetting your router.

Just remember that any settings you had saved will be lost when you reset!

You will usually find the reset button at the back of the modem, outlined in red and labelled as “reset button” or “restore factory settings.”

Just take a pointed object, like a pen or paper clip and press the recessed button for 30 seconds to a minute, or however long it takes for the router lights to blink off and then back on again.

Then try logging in using the default values again. If it still doesn’t work, call your router brand’s customer service for assistance.

You could also try a 30 30 30 reset

We hope this tutorial worked for you. Please comment below and share if you can!

43 Comments - Write a Comment

    1. Can a router work in state where there is no networks at all?

  1. It is really helpfull to me

    1. · Edit

      Glad to be of help!

  2. Thank you very much for this important information….For a long I was finding the solution of this problem. Now please tell me what are the best modem for this purpose. Dlink 600 is suitable for this

    1. · Edit

      Hi Oindrilla,

      This is a generic article for all routers. We recommend you research default IPs, passwords etc to grab the info for your particular router/modem.

    2. This didn’t work for me the phone wouldn’t take admin it needed an 8 character password

  3. No help, still doesn’t allow me to access the wireless settings. Keep getting “searching client device” and locks at 98?

    1. · Edit

      Hi Robert,

      Are you referring to trying to access a particular device? If so, we might be able to help. Can you please provide more detail?

  4. can i connect WiFi without computer or laptop

    1. · Edit

      Hi Kevfernandez. I’m not sure I understand your question? You can connect to wifi if your device is wifi enabled and uses the same standard as the wifi hotspot (which is almost always the same). Is that what you’re asking?

    2. It’s literally the headline of the article!

  5. Thank you so much!!!

    1. · Edit

      Our pleasure. Glad it helped!

  6. Hi, I still have a problem. To connect my router, I have to plug the router to a computer with an wire. I don’t have a pc and I don’t want to plug my laptop because I want it wireless, but it still asks me for plugging. Any help?

    1. · Edit

      Hi Andra,

      First of all, do you have an Ethernet pot on your laptop? If you do, you should set up the router using the Ethernet cable. Then when you have the rouer set up (and the wifi set up as you like) you can store away the Ethernet cable and connect with wireless only.

      If you do not have an Ethernet port, you may still be able to log into the router (with its default setup) via wifi and make changes. I recommend you download our free guide on setting up routers here:

  7. I cant find IP address of TP link

    1. · Edit

      Hi Raihan,

      Try our guide on finding your router’s IP address:

      Unless you have changed the IP, it will usually be one of the following:

  8. how to turn on wireless connection of the adapter without a pc/laptop?

    1. · Edit


      Can you please be more specific? What do you mean by “adapter”?

  9. Thank you so much for the great article with useful information and links. Its been a tedious task so far with all the technical jargon and although I’ve set up my T-P LINK 3/4G wireless N router (TL-MR3020) Im still unsure about a couple of things,maybe you can help? As it was a gift for my son (12yrs) and I set up remote management-assuming I van access the admin page/router control from my Android 6 (not rooted) which I initially used to set it up from a remote location as I don’t reside with him. It it possible? Or do I need to be connected that router to see/edit settings? And my son presses the reset button

    1. · Edit

      Hi Tracy,

      Thanks for your question.

      First thing is to tell your son to stop pressing the reset button. That is not helping anyone!

      There are risks allowing Remote Access, but I can hopefully help you, and recommend some basic security as well.

      Do you have a static IP from your ISP (an IP address that is only yours, and never changes)?

      If not, you will get a dynamic IP which will change from time to time – this will make remote management difficult, although not impossible. You would require someone to browse to to get the IP currently being used at your home.

      But yes, you could allow Remote Management. Perhaps use a different port than 80 or 8080 for extra security. Maybe 8234 (just off the top of my head).

      In the Remote Management section add:
      Web Management Port: 8234
      Remote Management IP Address: (your IP address). If you are unsure (or it always changes), you could enter “” -omitting quotations. Remember that ALL the internet can get to the login prompt if you set this ( That’s why it’s important to use a port other than 80, 8080, or 443.

      Then from your phone browser (or whatever internet-connected device), go to your internet WAN IP address. Let’s say it was, for example, you would type “” – omitting quotations.

      ALSO: Make sure that you use a very strong password for your router login.

      In Security > Advanced Security = Make sure the following are checked: “Ignore Ping Packet From WAN Port” “DoS Protection” “Enable ICMP-FLOOD Attack Filtering” “Enable UDP-FLOOD Filtering” “Enable TCP-SYN-FLOOD Attack Filtering”

      There are other things you can do with Access Control – but the above is a lot better than nothing 🙂

      Good luck!

    2. What if I try to use my iphone to set up and when I choose “NETGEAR” it says “no internet connection” underneath instead of asking for the password. It seems to attempt to connect but the WiFi signal indicator has an exclamation point in it.

  10. Well Written!
    This post is really helpful to setup wireless router without a computer. Everyone can setup wireless router with the help of this post instructions.

    1. · Edit

      Hi Anaya,

      Glad we could help!

    2. You need to get about 3 or 4 feet from the router/extender for the first time setting it up then you can move it once it’s setup!

  11. · Edit

    Wifi devices will not work without an internet. You will be waisting your money if you purchase one !!!

  12. I have an old friend who has no computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone but I would like to help her get iplayer on her TV which does have an HDMI slot. If I get her a router and an Amazon Fire stick can I get iplayer for her? I could use my smartphone to set it up but since I don’t live there my phone wouldn’t be in the house on a regular basis so would that matter? Any advice would be welcome.

    1. · Edit

      Hi Steve,

      Thanks for the question.

      No matter if using a PC, a Fire Stick, Smart TV or any device that needs to connect to the internet, you need a means of connecting top the internet. We would normally recommend fixed line broadband for streaming, especially on a TV. You could use 4G (via tethering on your phone), but it would probably be unreliable, and potentially not provide enough stable throughput). 4G is usually fine for phones that don’t necessarily require as much fast or consistent throughput as larger screens, and therefore resolution, will require.

  13. Thanks, this was helpful. I am still having a small problem though. I logged in to the router site and can now find it on my devices but when trying to use them it says I don’t have a connection to the server. Any thoughts? Thanks!

    1. · Edit

      Hi Stephanie,

      Sorry, I don’t understand. What router site are you logged into?

  14. Helpful Information to set up A wireless router without A Computer.

    1. · Edit

      Glad we helped, Jacqueline.

  15. I’ve tried to connect to my router multiple times from my kindle fire and my galaxy 5s. Every time I do this it says page can not be found, meaning th e I have done i just got my internet box hooked up everything is done except turning on the internet for it which I have to do from that website. Anyone have any information on this would be greatly appreciated!

    1. · Edit

      Hi Doug,

      Have you tried another browser? try with and without https. So, and

      Are you certain that is the address of the router? Check your ‘default gateway’ to confirm this

  16. Can you use it for Xbox one

  17. Wow, that is great, This is very helpful if we don’t want to run the computer. Netgear router setup issues always a hectic, but now may be resolved.

  18. Is it possible to connect to the wifi using router without a pc?

  19. Hi I’m using my neighbours wifi with permision of course. I have the password. I want to hook my D-Link router to the network for an extender. J don’t really want to bother them with goin to there place to hook up a cord to their modem etc. Is there a way to hook it up remotely? If that makes sense. I don’t have a computer and I would like to know if there is any way I could set this up with my iPhone? If not i could borrow a laptop from someone. Any help would be great. Thanx

  20. I was trying to setup my Netgear EX2700 Extender several times after factory resets. Each time the “genie” pops up and I go through the steps to connect to my WiFi and it assignes the _EXT name to it then it reboots. I can then connect to the new _EXT Wifi name but there is no Internet connection and I cannot access the page.

  21. Can an old router become a WiFi repeater without a LAN cable connection with the main router? ( Old router to become receiver and transmitter of the WiFi signal of the main router) If that’s possible, which are the steps to take? (Old router Thompson TG585v7)

  22. I want active internet service into my indroid
    Mobile no:03099924978;

  23. Thanks for your help


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