Ah yes, the Amazon Echo (and the Dot for that matter). Such a cool piece of tech, that seems to be taking over all our homes right now. And Madame Alexa is at the forefront of the popularity.
Not only has it become a central hub for music entertainment across the home, but it is also a Smart Home hub, which can control room temperature, lighting, the security around the home – think cameras to locks and more. And it can read out the news and sports results…and much more!
There is however one question that we hear being asked many times over: Can I add multiple accounts to Echo?
Can I Add Multiple Accounts To Amazon Echo? Why Would I Want To?
The short answer is yes! And we’re going to tell you how in a moment.
But first, why would you want to? Well, like most things in life, we all have different opinions, views and tastes for serious and light-hearted subjects alike.
This is almost always the case when it comes to music. Is there a home anywhere in the world where all the inhabitants liked and disliked the same music?! And a family home is certainly no exception, and definitely where there is more than one generation involved.
Dad might like Rock, mom like RnB, maybe the kids like Bieber, Taylor Swift or Rhianna? Ok, so some people like all of these, but let’s be honest – that is rare.
Luckily, Echo allows you to add more than one account, so each account holder can add their preferred music playlist to each Echo. So, we can keep Rock separate from RnB and Bieber!
Ok, So I’m Looking At Echo Now - What Is The ‘Household’?
The ‘Household’ simply allows multiple Amazon accounts/profiles or ‘Household Profiles’ under one Echo.
By adding these profiles, each person can access their list of music playlists, calendars and to-do’s etc to the Echo for their use.
Credit Card Caution!
Note that if you add an account to Echo, you are giving that account the ability to use the credit card entered by the primary owner.
This is obviously not cool.
In order to place some security around this probably unwanted feature, log into the Alexa app and go to ‘Voice Purchasing’.
Then within ‘Require Confirmation Code’ add a private 4 digit code that you can use to protect that card.
Now, the only way the card can be used is if someone says the 4 digit code when prompted by Alexa on any potential purchase.
How Do I Add And Merge Multiple Users To Amazon Echo?
The user that you want to add to the Household, must be present when adding. They will also need an Amazon account, and the credentials to log into that account.
1) Log into Echo, via the app or by browsing to echo.amazon.com.
2) Go to ‘Settings’. Towards the bottom is Household Profile. Go into it.
3) Log in with your Amazon credentials and ‘continue’.
4) Add the device of the user you are adding to Echo. By doing this, you are letting that user create their own login credentials for that Echo account.
5) Then click ‘Join Household’.
Now if you want to confirm which user profile Alexa is currently working under, ask “Alexa, which profile am I using?”.
If you want to use your account and Alexa is using someone else’s, simply ask her to change it: “Alexa switch to <your name> account”.
How Do I Remove A User?
Note that you cannot add the user to another account for 180 days.
1) Log into Echo, via the app or by browsing to echo.amazon.com
2) Once again, go to ‘Settings’. This time go to ‘In an Amazon household with [user name].’ – under ‘Account’
3) ‘Remove’ the name of the user who you want to leave the account.4) ‘Remove from Household’ confirms this.
More info on adding and removing profiles here?
Hopefully this answers your multiple account question. Do you have an Echo or Dot? Tell us about it below